FOR ALL TARGETED INDIVIDUALS Very Powerful Prayer For Satanic Attacks From BOTH Physical And Spiritual World


Powerful Prayer


  • Spiritual Warfare
  • Demonic Attack
  • Mental Warfare
  • Physical Targeting
  • Gangstalking & Mobbing

(Speak This Prayer Aloud To Your Unseen Enemies With The Power & Authority From Yahweh. Continue Through The Whole Prayer And Pay Attention To How You Feel.)

In the mighty name of YAHWEH, King of kings and Master of masters, we ask you to fill us to overflowing with your precious Holy Spirit, as we pray these words in your mighty and powerful name.

Your Word teaches that we have the power and authority to tread of serpents, scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us (Luke 10:19) and so Heavenly Father, we pray that all forms of evil in our lives, and that of our loved ones, be sent back NOW to your feet for judgement.

You have already won the victory Yahweh, conquering evil, sin and death for all time, and we declare these truths in this realm this day. Father, we come to your courtroom, entering your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise, asking that our sins and transgressions be forgiven, as we forgive all those who have come against us in this lifetime. Please Father, hear our prayers and petitions on behalf of ourselves, our loved ones, and all our children and childrens children.

We ask you now Father to avenge us of the enemy of our souls. Greater is You, Father who is in us, than he, the adversary who is in the world. No weapon formed against us will prosper and every tongue that rises up against us, you have condemned. This is our heritage as sons and daughters of the Most High, and our righteousness is from You.

All enemies of our soul, we send you to the court of Our Father, Yahweh. We break you, all evil spirits and ask for the Holy Spirit to destroy you by fire and bring you to ashes. Every power declaring dominion over us, YOU ARE A LIAR! Break and be brought to ashes in Yahwehs mighty name. Serpent of death, and every strong man, break and be brought to ashes in Yahwehs mighty name.

Every attempt at Satanic or witchcraft programming of any kind, BREAK and be BROUGHT TO ASHES in the name of Jesus Christ and by the POWER of his Holy Spirit Fire. Every mouth that speaks any wickedness against us, break in Yahwehs mighty name. Any power that is reporting us to satan or his demons, break and be destroyed in Jesus Christs mighty name. May every stolen blessing come back to us in the name of Yahweh. We bind, smash, and send back to You Jesus Christ for judgement, all demonic thrones, principalities and dominions, powers, minions, territorial and tribal spirits, and any and all demonic spirits who are attempting to infiltrate our lives in any way.

We forbid any and all of satans demons from exerting influence over any area of our lives - our workplace, our vehicles and transportation, our dwelling place, our finances, our health, our children, our spouse, our relatives, our interactions with others, and the region where we live and work.

Whatever it is, we forbid them from operating against us today and always in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We pray for The Holy Spirit fire to bind, smash, and send back to Jesus Christ for judgement all demonic altars throughout the world and in the heavenlies. We ask Jesus Christ to seal those portals now in Your mighty name, never again to be opened.

We bind and smash witchcraft in all forms. We bind and smash all witch and warlock covens, witchcraft control and activity - all chants, spells, curses, hexes, vexes, divination, white or black magic, incantations, incarnations of demonic entities, or any type of magic in any form and we cancel all witchcraft assignments, especially those projected against us and our loved ones. Break and be destroyed now, being brought to ashes by the power of The Holy Spirit, and the mighty name of Jesus Christ. I break all blood covenants, all oaths, and all agreements and send all those who practice these into the lake of fire to be destroyed by the power of The Holy Spirit. Every witchcraft registry that includes our destinies or that of our loved ones, break and be destroyed now by the fire of The Holy Spirit. Every watchlists and programs designed by demonic entities, be brought to ashes now in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

Spiritual marriages of familiar spirits, unclean spirits, demons, devils, serpents, scorpions, and all spiritual powers pertaining to darkness i break and destroy in the name of Jesus Christ by his Holy and Precious blood. All spiritual husbands and wives, and all those who are masquerading as family members, close friends, neighbors, or anyone that has been connected to us in any way in the spiritual and physical world be brought to ashes in Jesus Christs mighty name. I command all those who are unholy to be destroyed by the lake of fire. I send all of those who i have mentioned to be destroyed by Jesus's Holy Spirit fire, as we are washed with Jesus's precious and Holy blood.

We bind, smash, and send to Jesus Christ anything, whatsoever that is sent by the demonic, witches and warlocks from the astral world, cancelling all astral travel of every kind. We cancel now with the blood of Jesus Christ all witchcraft blood sacrifices in every way shape or form, and performed by anyone in both the spiritual world and physical world. All blood sacrifices in both the earthly and spiritual world are null, void, and cancelled NOW by the blood of Jesus Christ.

All spirits of divination, i bind and smash and throw into the eternal lake of fire to be destroyed. We declare that every evil pronouncement into the atmosphere that has been made against us and our loved ones be nullified and destroyed NOW by Yahwehs Holy Spirit Fire. We bind, smash, and send for judgement to Jesus Christ all demonic kings, princes, and world rulers who are representatives of every demonic spirit ever known or unknown, and all those who follow after satan, The power of my Father in Heaven thrusts you out of your seats and destroys you with fervent heat. My Father in Heaven, Yahwehs power and authority strips each and every evil ruler of their hierarchy of power, armor, rank in all realms both spiritual and physical. We pray Jesus Christ that you would separate every demonic spirit from each other. Father speak confusion into the ranks of the enemy and declare that their assignments against us are void and null for eternity in your mighty name Yahweh. We ask you Yahweh to paralyze them completely. Their tongues, their movement, and strip them all of their power and abilities for eternity. All power is yours Yahweh. For every demonic attack, we ask that you please recompense seven times more powerful back against them to destroy every single one of them completely. Father, you have declared that all demonic spirits are useless, powerless, and because of your sacrifice, we know this truth forever in your mighty and powerful name, Yahweh.

We bind, smash, and send to Jesus Christ all demonic spirits from every single realm as one body of the antichrist. Your power is far above all Yahweh, and the Kingdom of Darkness bound together as one is easily destroyed by the shake of your mighty fist, Father in Heaven. So all spirits between, around or near us, all trapped and bound spirits, and all familiar spirits we bind and send you to Jesus Christ for judgement. We bind, smash, and send back for judgement all demonic spirits inhabiting all animals that belong to us, our family members, our neighbors, and those who dwell around us. We bind and smash every ungodly creature and destroy them completely with your Holy Spirit Fire Yahweh. All manifestations and possession of all familiar spirits and unclean spirits be brought to ash. All manifestations and possession by demons and devils, be brought to ash. Wherever you're coming from, i seal all tunnels, turbines, and connections between you and i. I seal the children of Our Fathers side with the precious blood of Jesus Christ, and lead all unholy spiritual travels directly to the bottom of a volcano flowing with hot lava to burn you all fervently for eternity. All witches, warlocks, demons, devils or "fallen angels" be destroyed by Jesus Christ who is far greater than you and be burnt for all eternity by Yahwehs Holy Spirit Fire made manifest. All chants, spells, curses, hexes, vexes, covenants, agreements, oaths, divination, white or black magic, incantations, incarnations of demonic entities or any type of magic in any form whatsoever i bind, restrain, and send to be destroyed by the power of Almighty God who came in the flesh to destroy the kingdom and power of darkness. Almighty God, Jesus Christ and his Father in Heaven are one. This was revealed to John of Patmos in Revelation. Jesus Christ came to him and revealed that he is our creator and he came to take back the keys from hell and death. He gave everlasting life to all those who believe, Amen. But, all those who are evil are condemned to hell.

We bind, smash, and forbid any and all types of sorcery in our lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We bind, smash, and break all evil affecting us. Every unclean spirit affecting our senses, of sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing; all evil against our emotions; all evil against every single part of our body inside and outside, no matter where, i send to be devoured in flames by the power of Jesus Christ.

We bind, smash, and break all evil sent to attack and harm our bodies, Jesus's earthly temples - the digestive, skeletal, muscular, reproductive, respiratory, circulatory, and nervous systems, including every other system and related part of the body - brain, organs, skin tissues, cells, lungs, respiratory system, blood, blood brain barrier.. they are precious and Holy containing our Fathers precious and Holy DNA, and it is The Life. All participants in causing death to the body, be brought to death and eternal fire NOW in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of Yahwehs Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit Fire heal us from the inside out, burning to ash all evil in and around us, Amen.

We cover every source of nourishment that enters our bodies in the form of food or drink with your Holy and precious blood, Jesus. We declare that all attempts by demonic forces to infiltrate or cause harm in any way to our bodies through unclean, tainted sources and practices be null and void this moment in Jesus's mighty name. We especially bind, and smash all attempts by the enemy to infiltrate our DNA by causing the consumption of any form of tainted or corrupt substances which have been altered from their purest and original form in any way. We bind and smash all things coming from food sacrificed to idols and destroy all things coming from the unholy by the power of Your Holy Spirit and we bring them all to ash. We pray Holy Spirit to please protect us and help us identify these unholy things, and separate the clean from the unclean. All genetic modifications in any part of creation, vaccinations, and substances that we put in, on, or around our bodies. This includes products that have blood or aborted fetuses and all other witchcraft, and all other ungodly practices strictly forbidden by Our Father. We bind, smash, and destroy all unholy things and set it aflame by the power of Your Holy Spirit, Father.

We bind, smash, and break with Yahushua and his blood and Holy Spirit Fire any and all witchcraft, evil powers and demons interfering with our bodies and drawing power from both the spiritual and physical parts of creation. Whether they be from planets, sun, moon, stars, constellations, air, wind, fire, water, light, darkness, matter, elements, lines, squares, numbers, symbols, circles, artifacts, or by any other means. All power belongs to you Jesus Christ and i strip away all power from all the ungodly and send it back to you, rendering all the spiritual kingdom of darkness completely and utterly powerless for eternity. Whatever we bind on earth is bound in Heaven, and i bind all your power satan in the name of Jesus Christ.

I bind, smash, and break all devices, all communication between the kingdom of Darkness and all those who are evil and every single living creature and every single spirit for all eternity. I bind all those who are evil on earth, i bind those masquerading in Heaven, and bind all those coming from down below so that they will no longer harm any part of your creation anymore, Father in Heaven.

I seal all portals coming through electricity, energy, radiation, frequencies, and by your mighty power i electrocute every single demon, devil, serpent, scorpion, familiar spirit, or anyone and everyone else that attempts to use these powers for evil to be destroyed by the power of Yahweh.

Whatever we bind on earth is bound in Heaven, and everything that we speak here today is for eternity. Every tongue that rises up against us, you are condemned and all mouths that speak evil, whatever power they use in their mouths against us is condemned. You do not have the power or authority to ever speak again. You do not have the authority to make requests, rebuttals, or to say that anything is ineffectual because you do not have any authority at all, and never have in the first place. None of you should ever even exist. So i reverse all of everything that caused your existence, and everything that has been affected by your existence, and trace your lineage and command that you never have been born in the name of Jesus Christ. Nothing is too hard for God. Genesis 18:14. Whatever i ask in his name, i will receive. All those operating with you and still continue to somehow exist then all the power you have stolen from Jesus Christ to carry out these evil works will turn against you and manifest to torture you and your whole kingdom by the Power of ALMIGHTY GOD, Jesus Christ, Our Messiah that conquered and defeated you and your whole kingdom. His word stands. God is with us. God is salvation, Amen.

You will not mark us spiritually or physically. You have no power over us, satan. Whether you're operating in the spiritual world or the physical world. All the things that you are manifesting in the physical realm using those who are carrying false Gods, i rebuke you and send those people beside you to the feet of Almighty God, Jesus Christ for Judgement. You're powerless, you wicked angel, devil, serpent, scorpion, dragon, and whatever else you shift as. I ask Almighty God to please reveal your location on the earth to all mankind, and to know better than to believe any and all of your lies. Whatever i ask, i receive in the name of Jesus Christ.
John 16:23. I also bind all godlessness, and all those who speak the Lords name in vain, for He runs to you when he hears his name.

All methods of travel that unholy spirits use to get to and from our dwelling places are forever sealed off by the blood of Jesus Christ and power of the Holy Spirit, and all unholy portals i send to the lake of fire to destroy all unholy travelers. All those who are unholy that are dwelling in or around us, i destroy by the power of Jesus Christ. I bind and restrain every single unholy spirit that has ever had contact with me, my family members, my animals, objects, and food, and i manifest The Lake of Fire to devour all of you in the name of Almighty God, Yahweh. God is salvation, God is with us, Amen.

All dark angels who masquerade as angels of light, i manifest a lake of fire to devour you in the mighty name of our Gods most Holy name, Yahweh. We expose you and your satanic network operating against us, and we send the power of our God to destroy you by fire, electrocution, and a spiritual disability and you will never walk, move, function, or speak ever again. All of those who have not fallen yet, but are operating with satan i expose you with Yahweh and by His power, he will chase after you and destroy you and thrust you down from the Heavens to your everlasting pit of hell, a devouring lake of fire and all of what you sown in the earth, you will eat for all of your generations of your eternal loathsome existence.

We ask God, please monitor for our safety and please destroy all manifestations, all temptations, all invaders and infiltrators. Please destroy all those who attempt to manifest or enter our bodies, dwelling places, objects, food, or attempt to operate through us or around us including on our travels.

We are at your feet, at your service, and we humbly pray that you would hear this prayer and answer us according to your perfect will. Please use us for your will. We adore you, we praise you, and we honor and glorify you. YOU ARE THE MOST HIGH, THE MESSIAH, MASTER OF ALL CREATION, OUR SOON COMING BRIDEGROOM.

Thank you for hearing us and thank you for your love and faithfulness in answering our prayers. Thank you for being in us and helping us to fight against the attacks of the enemy. All strength is in you. We love you so much, thank you for hearing us.



  1. If there is anyone who needs a bible, a prayer request, or anything at all please comment below or contact me @


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