The Most Important Thing To Know When The Fight Gets Hard..


Faith Is Targeted

But Jesus is faithful...

    Day by day, the struggle seems to never end. We wake up in despair. Despair is not sinless. Because anything without faith is a sin. (See: Romans 14:23) When you do not have faith, Paul described it as damnation. We are damned when we do things without faith, because we should have never done it in the first place. It is failure. Sin is failure. It is a waste of time. It has an unsuccessful rate of 110%.

But as a targeted individual, we are suffering because our faith is being attacked. No matter what we do, how we go about our day, and especially if you're hearing voices continually, it's a war to gain faith back. 

Not only do we struggle with faithlessness but its the feelings of shame from the world because of a stigma. As children, somehow we grew up to make fun of people who are different. Some call it roasting, others call it public shaming.. but we are not meant to have an audible review. The only way for the world to change for the better is to see the good, and encourage the bad to stay on track with the good. The only way to do that is by faith.

So how do we pull ourselves out of the dark side? The gloomy rain, and the thunder that shakes the earth under us? The hopelessness and despair we might have following our targeting?

It's by prayer. Talk to God. Not because you have to, or because you feel ashamed that you might have done something wrong. Talk to him like a friend. A father. Your neighbor. Ask him how his day went. Now, he won't reply audibly but when you're looking, the sun might poke through the clouds and you might catch a glimpse at a rare piece of His creation. That's his nudge, and your life was created because of his love for you.

I was taught growing up that God hates us. He's angry and that's why Jesus died. That he's so angry with us, that he doesn't even want to speak to us and that's why there's a mediator between He and mankind. But, over time i realized that in the world, darkness crept. They claimed to be the light, but they were willingly blinded in an eye. They sowed seeds that were dark. God is good always, and in the Book of John, who walked right beside Jesus Christ for 3 whole years during his ministry, He knew God best.

It was his verse that dropped me dead at Jesus's feet before he brought me back.

“He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.”-1 John 4:8

Describe yourself in one word.
Stubborn, austere, short, loving, smart, gentle, strong..

But it would never be love. Out of all the words in the human language, the most beautiful is love.

And out of all words in the human language, the words are not big enough to describe God.

But the only word that traveled in time 2000 years and beyond is LOVE.

John described God as being love. That's how he recognized him.

Is this the John who witnessed and testified of Jesus Christ throughout Asia Minor?

Why, yes it was.

Is this the John they sentenced to death by poisoning?

Why, yes it was.

... Now did this John have everlasting life even after poisoning?

Why, yes he did.
Given everlasting life in Jesus Christ

11 disciples were killed after given up to execution for not only Jesus's faith in their faith, but for ours also. They live in The Kingdom with Jesus.

But, the ruling Judges exiled John to Patmos Island.

The same John who wrote the book of prophecy there. Revelation.


God came back to greet John during his exile.

He did not recognize him, but he thought he looked like The Son of Man.

But God revealed in the first chapter..

"And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks." - Revelation 1

Jesus is the Almighty


Now if God did not love us, why would he do that?


Because he won not only the physical war, but the spiritual war that we cannot see. He won the war and paved a road back home for us.

That road is pure gold, and it's his Word

His word was made flesh and dwelt with mankind

His word became faith, and in it we succeed

And though our suffering is temporary

God loves us.

Whether you are a Son of God, Daughter of God, a servant, or one waiting upon the bridegroom and clasped into the hand of the husbandman.


