In The Beginning... GOD


When we go through targeting, we understand that the attacks are not only physical, but they are also spiritual.

It's an ancient war we are experiencing both in the heavens, and on the earth.

The War
The Chaos Theorists War For Order Out Of Destruction
It's the war to promote terrorism.
To glorify and bask in power and control after bloodshed.
The war is for gain and wealth.
After children are stripped away from their parents.
Holding lifeless bodies in their arms.
Tears streaming down their faces.
It's the cry unheard that's yearned for.
A war that caters to violence.
A war that tears away the innocence of a child.
Strangers hands raking all over the skin they steal and buy.
To lose faith in Gods perfect love.
To lose support and gain mistrust.
Killing hope, and drowning your faith in fears.
Feel abandoned.
Live in uncertainty,
Have no guidance.
The scriptures argue our rebuttal unheard.
We blind minds of the truth of their lack.
Choosing evil over salvation.
Choosing mammon as a God.
Support the enemy by thought of a reward.
Mark the children of men.

The War

The Army of Jesus Christ
It's the war that has already been won by Jesus Christ.
We know that death has been conquered, it is God who pulls the dead from graves.
Gain, wealth, and material fades, but the spirit will strive in Heaven.
The children are cradled in angels arms and sent to Gods arms
God will wipe all the tears from our eyes
We come when we hear the cry with a helping hand and a full heart
We put violence to death
We fight to reclaim innocence for those accused
God gave rebirth to those ashamed in sin
We fight for Gods love by martyring for Jesus Christs love
We are sent in the world to proclaim his love, and fight to preserve it
We support faith and strengthen it
We help those in need to the sword God designed against the enemy
Gods Word, purified and tried in the fire, it is pure.
We are never alone, for God is in us and goes wherever we go
He guides our feet, and when it gets dark, he is the light
Our hearts know the damnation of men who are evil
That satan blinds the minds of man
But we have strong faith in our salvation
In Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ
Who came, was slain, resurrected from death, and is alive forevermore.
We fight against those who destroy love and life
Those who breathe and issue death are swallowed up by the earth
