Targeting | Angel Armies | Nazi Germany & Our 2000 Year Exile


What would it have been like if the world found an angel? They would call it an alien, being, an extraterrestrial. I know if they were ever to be captured, then the experiments would be torturous.. they would never end. They would hold them captive and would not let them go. They would put them through cruel inhumane treatment in "the name of science." The religions would gather around by their foundations. Those who do not adhere to sound doctrine would speak their own minds, whether they to believe it to be a fallen angel, annunaki, morpheus, a reptilian shapeshifter, or just an immortal superhuman being.

Why would they do this to an angel? It would be because of the lack of faith. People might become fearful, they  might not believe and would want to try and find proof of their claims. They may not show proof, simply because it is not Gods will to do so. So, in that they would try and force proof of the existence of God doing abominable things.

Even if it was an angel, they wouldn't have rights, and it would have been kept a secret from the world if they were ever to be detained. But, what if the government did find them and set them free? It would be dangerous still because there are people who do know about them who are ungodly in high positions of authority. Because of the lack of godliness, people who thirst for power, riches, and glory will seek them out to have them for themselves.

Just imagine anyone going through these projects, and why they would even exist..

Erasing memories making an adult mind completely erased like a newborns.

Using mind control devices for witchcraft and necromancy

Remote viewing so they can see everything that person sees, feel what they feel, and give them touch sensations. They are also able to implement torture methods with mind control.

Hearing voices 24/7 that pretend to be your family, neighbors, friends, coworkers, childhood friends, everyone around you. Knows everything about you. Constantly shaming and humiliating you and abusing you. Tells you what to do. Can hear all your thoughts and abusively replies to them. Reads minds of everyone around you.


During this targeting, it reminds me of the verse where Jesus spake "17These things I command you, that ye love one another. 18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. 19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

We have been chosen out of this world and take part in a grand exile that is historical. All the saints and prophets were slain by the government after Jesus came in the flesh, was slain, resurrected after 3 days, and will return for judgement on this earth. 

It feels alien to be chosen out of this world by God. Though, we are not righteous, we are sinners. But God sees through it when we repent and turn away from evil. Evil should be foreign to us now.

If they are doing this to us, i can't even imagine what they would be doing to someone who is immortal..

This verse clearly describes that there are 4 angels that are bound. It does not say that they have fallen, and perhaps they are bound by the hands of men, men of the earth.
"14Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. 15And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men." Revelation 9:14

Though they are to slay a third of the men, they might have partaken in abominations. As long as godlessness is on this earth, which if weighed would be more than 1/3, but i believe strongly that these people will get exactly what they deserve once these angels are loose.

During Hitlers Reign over 2 million children, women, and men were killed because of anti-semetic belief systems.

The poem below is inspired by what would have happened if the Nazis had ever found an Angel in the death camps.

It has been a 2000 year exile for those who have faith and love for Jesus Christ and a full heart to serve The Creator of All Existence. 

Moshe Flinker
Victim of Terror, Experimentation, and Torture At Auchwitz Death Camp

A 2000 Year Exile

I stood from the window gazing down

I saw you were there, your heart was at rest

As you held the cigarette in your hand

And blew smoke from your breath

I knew they were looking for you and me

But i thought we had time

I thought we were free

I tucked the elderly man in his bed

When i thought i heard a scream

I peered out the window once again

And i could only make out the moons beam

Upstairs, patients nestled asleep

Healing from disease and agony

I made my way down the flight of stairs

Slowly slid my hand down the rail

It was quiet void of familiar sound

I flicked the light off and i ducked down

I heard his boots slapping in the wet street

From his accent i knew him to be a Nazi

Their hatred fueled for all that's left to see

I cried for those who lay asleep above me

I prayed that my comrade made it home safely

For i knew there was a storm

I felt it was safe to leave after i thought i heard him pass

But i was not prepared for what was hiding at last

I exited the first set of doors, about to run

After i grabbed my belongings where my top coat hung

I saw the shadow of the wolf moving in and i was his prey

It was only darkness i saw, there was no sign of day

My heart cried, but why save my own life that would never leave me

So i followed to where the children were starved in Martin Luthers tyranny

Tied with a rope, imprisoned but there were no chains

Ushered to the gates when i heard them call my name

They took a photograph and laid on shame

A generational curse of nothing but blame

Impure they claimed but we fell into thier hands

They said they were gods; this was Herods land

As i witnessed the bones of the children stacked high

They fed the fire and claimed that they were the light

Spread apart, a divided love amongst the greed of control

We fight, we're strong and brave but called weak

The labor never ended, we wanted to throw ourselves to the sea

Our love grabbed ahold of the Lord, and they cried "BLASPHEMY!"

The Christian women were told to go into the chambers

To meet thier bridegroom

They gassed the children in thier mangers

Bones to bones, arms to arms, there was no room to move

Pilate sneered down his nose; his new found power

The power to crucify thee

I held innocence in my arms, i wept for it

Paradise was only a stolen breath away

Do you fight and save to keep a land stolen away?

For all greed and evil that can never make a way

To steal breath because it's only death they make

The Promises in The Word of God made us unafraid

But love will never fail, and with love death will flee

It is by love that My Father recognizes me

It is with love that we overcome tyranny

It is love that gives us a new beginning


We shouted it from the rooftops

From the bunks in the barracks

Dark as they could be in the night watch

Hungry, worn out, but we were not lost

Having the choice to stay or flee

I don't think i would have left you for me

The difference was hope in a new making

That even by suffering through death we would be free

But like a lamb, we were led to the chambers

Pitch black and cold i heard the echos of deafening screams

I lost the sight in front of me when i heard your call

I heard the scraping of nails on the confederate walls

I held you in my arms and through screams i prayed

I rolled away and let the nightmare fade

I wept, i couldn't see anything around me

Silence until i heard the steel door opening

The light pouring through burnt my eyes

As i saw the shadow wearing jack boots

He hummed in the entryway with his crew

Sliding bodies out into the wagons

I saw the souls ascending to the Heavens above

There's nothing more beautiful than a rich mans love

The angels were mournfully singing, i felt tugging at my feet

But through loyalty, I cried, "i am not leaving anybody!"

 "You need to leave" i heard the angels weeping for me

I wept, and the stinging tears fall past my cheeks

These are our children, for them i will fight

I will not leave them, especially not tonight

Nazis grabbed me by the legs and they pulled me out

They saw me breathe as i couldn't help but to cry out

They interrogated and said, "Why are you not dead?"


"Leave the jew in the chamber for another round"

And i lay naked on the cold concrete ground

As the others walked in and gathered around me

I prayed and they laid down with me

We held hands and it comforted me

Everyone lived their last day on earth loving

The gas rolled in and i stopped breathing

But when i awoke, i thought i was dreaming

Put into a room with watchful eyes through windows

A mask and a tube, choking on whats between me and you

An interrogation while accusing me

They slithered and slurred "A fallen angel, i see."

Because of the occult they killed, and because they believed

That the jews were the fallen angels seed

Because of anti semetic doctrine from the Pulpits Greed

I witnessed babies blood drunk from their skulls in front of their mothers

They cried "Why are you not doing anything!"

I'm fighting through gas administered through a tube to me



A gun pointed at a child who was screaming

I don't remember what happened next

But they all demanded proof from me

But the gasses and drugs made my mind flee

I lay strapped to a bed with buckles holding me down

A chisel in hand, they hammer it in my eye

"Why will you not die!" they cried


They demanded answers but then they cut out my tongue

Poured water down my throat and i was choking

I realized that i wasn't the only one they found

They cut bodies to pieces and tortured as we screamed

The worlds renown surgeons performed surgeries on me

Tied me together with pieces of those who were slain

There was no cure to end the physical pain

No balm to heal these wounds on earth

Experiments in the name of science because you found me

That i was in your hand and it's because i still bleed

Painfully swollen and drenched

Made to walk outside the doors in the winter shed

The children and their families watched with gaping mouths

As i shivered naked, i shouted with my shivering lips

My body felt as if it were encased with a tomb of ice


"This is what you did, isn't it?" Hammond cried.

As he forced us to copulate and enforced rape in this bed of ice

He stripped away my mind and demanded the secrets

He wished that he could steal an eternal life

The tares were sown in with the wheat

They replaced photographs of them and me

Thier faces didn't display the agony, just alluring deceit

Well fed Templars, they feasted and bathed in greed

Hammond sown his Martin Lutheran seed

Inside of Israels tomb of sworn secrecy

And if secrets were traded for you and me

Its because of the wicked thirst for power with greed

"In the name of science" they stripped my mind from me

World renown physicians took a seat inside of me

A biblical scholar said "This is not a fallen angel."

Then those involved gathered together with ideas on how to hide thier sin

They discovered the truth of damnation

Changed dates, times, and locations

Sown in lies, deceit, and false prophecies

Stole the truth away and misguided the minds from Heavens reach

Mutilations were made "in the name of science"

Where there is no balm nor cure

Just mere experiments as if human life was a tool

They waxed rich from our undying agony

As technology advanced, the dead reached from their graves

Liberation & freedom the earth cried as they hid the slaves

Treaties were given to everyone in the name of science

But treaties of peace and safety were never from you to me

Tiny cameras lodged into the iris, death transplanted inside of my brain

They are sold a suit and they start to dig their own graves

They all take turns electrocuting and raping me

Dancing visions of children being killed and fed sexual immorality

Hired hands rub all over us carnally

The wealthy pay the treaty well to spend a night with me

Satanists stole access to me and burned down every green tree

Saving their own lives while rooting for deaths insanity

They did their best to cover it up thinking heaven couldn't find me

They hear the spiritual realm and masquerade as a demon disguising

Making voices pour out of me, speaking abominable things

While holding a device to erase the memory to that of a baby

By: C. Briggs
