Overcoming It All | The Storms Seize


A heart in need of healing

Hard to find it beating

Much less why i'm still breathing

Consumed in derision,

The mind sore vexed

Mild charms followed by earthquakes

Casting in flies as treasures

Erasing the mind of all it knows

Trying to overtake me,

A mask behind the shadows

A fake scenery beyond the rows

Of empty tabernacles

As i'm all alone, no where to go

Not one to hear, not one to follow

The canvas tents abandoned and ripped

In a sandy mountain nestled near sticks

A small stream once touched these rocks

Where the fish would lay thier eggs

And the frogs would kick thier hind legs

I swam in a lily of what i didn't own

Going nowhere, lost without a home

With my head up to the sky,

The sky where i used to be able to fly

Each leap i tumbled back down,

From each step til i was imprisoned to the ground

The earth is waiting patiently

For her time to swallow me

Scars and bruises from scraping against the trees

If i've ever had them, they'd be torn wings

I miss the innocence of the simple things

But all of that was ripped from me

Burdens burn as the bricks are laid on me

The searing hot iron sticks

As i lay in a prison of tyranny

Fighting for all and not a single thing

It was the innocence i found and tore from myself

When i sought it i could no longer find it

When i needed it i could no longer feel it

Hearing voices ringing in my ears

It gets kind of hard to see through the tears

The heart stops beating, and it feels like years

Walking in a shell, being tortured

Not able to flee

Any of my enemies

All my friends

They have abandoned me

My emotions are stripped

Strength is now weakness,

I have lost my grip

Plummeting down

Into earths barren ground

Becoming one with the land

A land where i would never be found

Can you see me? Can you hear me?

Is it true, have you forsaken me?

You want nothing of me

Nothing i can find in me

Worth a single thing

My mind is on fire

My skin feels the same

I peel myself out of bed

My body is lame

I hold my hand to my heart

The heart thats pieces shred apart

The one that lost it's rhythym

Never able to come back to a start

I fear of what you think of me

When i look around, it's only you i see

Little pieces of your heart

Places, faces, and in my dreams

Hoping for the faith to make it

One last time, But fearing

Will time ever heal the wounds?

The hurt that i have put you through

The word that has bled from you

The tears of agony that bound it,

You made things of old so new

You gave me a reason

To stop, to heal, to rise in the morning

To give, to share, to love

To breathe, to hope for and have faith in

To know that it's only pain we can overcome

Together, in your love

Love is not made blind

But it sees through
