My Testimony: Human Trafficking | In History



Hello. My name is Crystal, and I am a targeted individual.

I found some things in the family photo album that i have been trying to piece together. I know that the people who are running our targeting are apart of many different government agencies, in high authoritative positions. They specialize in psychological operations and share the motto, "We can make it look like anything."

Before we begin, see my testimony here.

I found a box that my great grandmother left behind that suggests human trafficking, satanic sacrifice, ritual abuse, and several missing children.
This photograph was found in my family photo album. There were letters written from The McCormicks from Hannibal Ohio, and Cleveland Ohio. There are also pictures of "The Tankersleys."

This family is tied to the Rockefellers, and there are suggestions that they are apart of the Elite Satanist Cabal.

Abigail & John Rockefeller are quite a difference apart in age. Abigail is married to David Rockefeller.

Upon inspection, you'll see there's a few things in this photograph appearing evident that it may have been altered.

Below is a photograph of Abigail Rockefeller. They are strikingly similar.

Below is a photograph of Abigail with her husband David Rockefeller.
This is Johns son.

  The photographs below are from the family photo album.
The middle photograph appears to be the same woman masquerading as a man.
The right hand photograph shows another masquerade, that appears to be a man dressed like a woman.
As i was uploading this i noticed that i only have 1 physical picture taken (the right above) and i uploaded this photograph to the internet.

In my research document, the photograph has been noticeably altered, now i have two photographs of them posing differently. The original is on the left. My targeters changed this photograph, and made it bigger.

On the internet, what you see may not be what i see because they have the ability to alter anything on here.

Below is a photograph of David Rockefeller

Why do they appear to look like the Rockefellers?
The website states:
"The Rockefellers have had control over the FBI since they helped get it started. When Congress wanted to investigate the CIA for wrongdoing the appointed a Commission headed by Rockefeller to investigate the CIA’s wrongdoings! Yes, the Rockefeller Commission did a big study and slapped the hands of the CIA for a few misdeeds. Their report is still cited as the big investigation of the CIA. Some investigation! Since the Rockefeller family work hand in hand with the CIA to create Monarch slaves, of course that part of the CIA’s misdeeds got overlooked!

A recent convert from Satanism, Michael McArthur, has given validated inside information about the FBI and the CIA programs which kidnap children in order to supply Satanic rituals with sacrificial material. The names of the agents who spend their official government time kidnapping children for Satanism that Michael knows about are as follows:
Chucky “Mike,” “Peters”-FBI hit man in Div, 5 of FBI, involved with ins law case Nichol Harrah--FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice.

Unda Krieg Satanist working for FBI.

Ken Lanning FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice.

Nick O’Hara FBI hit man, Satanist, has covered FBI child kidnappings by murder Kape Richardson CIA agent who abducts children for sacrifice.

Rather, than risk  election, a brilliant coup d’etat which Is exposed in Be Wise As Serpents. was carried out to put Nelson A. Rockefeller into the Vice-Presidency.

The Rockefellers control both education and religion in this country by their foundations.

The Rockefellers have played key roles in the C.F.R. Rockefeller wrote the book the Future of Federalism which supports the union of nations into a world government. For many years the Rockefellers have been pouring billions of dollars into projects and international groups which are working to bring in a public One-World government. (The world already has a secret One-World-Government.) The Rockefellers take part in decisions that effect Russia, China and other parts of Asla and with good reason, the House of Rockefeller has holdup and assets in these countries too.

The investigator of the Rockefellers will find that they have secretly had their hand in the politics of the United States during the 20th century. The decisions and directions this nation has taken, are the result of countless orders which the Rockefellers have given to their underlings."

Below i found this in our family photo album. Babies standing in a line wearing capes. the woman in the back is wearing gloves.

The Satanists performed child sacrifices.

Another photograph in our photo album shows a woman tied between two trees. Shes propped up along with the child, who's head is stooped down. The stand behind him is similar to what you would see in post mortem photography, but this photograph suggests satanic sacrifices.

This was found in the photo album. Notice one of the eyes of the happy face had some target practice. This might be Luciferian Symbolism. Blonde hair is inside of an envelope.

Some of the letters i found in this box are from the McCormicks, and down the distant line. The Tankersleys are apart of the Rockefeller bloodline.

On the back of the photograph it is written "Charles Kratz"

Clearly, it is a Tankersley.

On the other side of my family, there are equestrian photographs. The family ritual was to set a child up on a horse and a photograph was taken for each child. Bazy Tankersley was a horse breeder.

John D Rockefeller had helping hands in building gas chambers for Auchwitz. He plays a key role in The Military Industrial Complex, and his children are heads of government seats and authorities such as the CIA.

Since Auschwitz during Hitlers Reign, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde came together and performed unethical human experimentation to learn how to erase memories, replace memories, and manipulate human behavior. Nazis who were labeled as Drs during this experimentation such as Joseph Mengele were frequently nicknamed "The Angels of Death". They would perform cruel experimentation that induced trauma, such as murdering children in front of their victims, and constantly shame and humiliate the victim. They administered LSD, and played a tape repeatedly as the victim was in an induced coma. They figured out how to erase the memory of an adult to that as a new born baby.

The CIA had been in big trouble multiple times for doing illegal and unethical experimentation. They also frequently hired satanists, and those satanists were kidnapping children to supply satanic sacrifices for the Cabal. When these federal agents were turned in, even with clear evidence, they would get a slap on the wrist and continued and sat in high government seats.

One of these agents went by the name of Michael Aquino. He is a satanist that founded The Temple of Set in Los Angeles California. He was also a CIA agent. He has a long record that included the abduction of children for satanic sacrifices, and has been involved in crimes that include pedophilia. After several witnesses, and children stepping forward, he got away with it. He entered into the Army, and was given the rank of Colonel and placed in the Psychological Warfare department. 

This is found on Michael Aquinos record and is similar to the targeting that we are experiencing today.

1995 – Diana Napolis was a Child Protection Services investigator in San Diego who was alarmed by the increasing number of children who were reporting satanic ritual abuse, starting as far back as the mid-1980s. Napolis went undercover online in 1995 and approached Aquino and several others who were associated with him, while also posting information and evidence relating to these crimes and these people’s involvement in them. In response, Aquino and his associates (several of them from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation) cyber-stalked Napolis for five years (They are doing the same thing to Abductee Megan Garner - Harassing with nueroweapons with silencing tactics) and finally tracked her down in 2000, thereby discovering her real identity. At this point, Napolis’ efforts to expose these people were defeated, with Aquino and associates using their power and influence to pose themselves as the victims and accusing her of cyber-stalking, as well as engaging in assassinating her character both online and through the media. Napolis was also targeted with directed-energy weapons (V2K) and set up to appear mentally unstable, with claims that she was stalking various celebrities. This resulted in her spending a year in jail and several more months in a mental facility, and eventually being forced to quit her job. The character assassination continued against her, with someone claiming to be Napolis posting insane ravings on the internet in order to make her appear crazy.

Much of our targeting began with this man and his wife, and The Satanic Temple of Set members. Some of us may have been abducted and placed under MKULTRA mind control, and our families might even be victims, or handlers as well.

You can read about Michael Aquino here:

There are people who work for NASA that are involved, corporations, CIA, FBI, armed forces, police officers, and many other high seats in the government. They masquerade and sometimes they're your neighbors, the passerbys who know everything about you, and the parents of your childhood friends.

In this day in age, sadly, our information is constantly being compromised. Everything is being pushed onto the internet. They can manipulate, shift, and change anything they want to here.

I have experienced the inability to buy, sell, and trade because none of my transactions would go through and i was unable to use a bank account. I believe that this is spoken of in revelation about the end times. I experience voice to speech technology, and they're always demanding luciferian worship with the promise of success. I told them to fly a kite, and i constantly get death threats and they sabotage everything that i do. They are talking about beheading Christians, and killing everyone who does not worship Lucifer. I do believe that this is going to be used for fulfillment of Revelation, and we are in the End Times.

The satanist elite are already implanting people in the right hand. The forehead implants have to do with brain to computer interfaces. They are inserted up the nostril, and some of you may have been forcibly implanted if you are experiencing what seems like machine learning, and voice to speech recognition. They are doing this to people so that they can buy, sell, and trade access to their microchip on the black market.

We are used for sacrifices, sometimes we are replaced with a look alike CIA agent or another mind control victim with an operator.. Sometimes we are used for snuff porn films that involve pedophilia when we were younger. If you were sexually abused when you were younger, and you're getting targeted today, you are most likely a kidnap victim. Other snuff porn involves necrophilia. Other people surfing the black market might be looking for adrenochrome. They terrorize and torture their victims for adrenalized blood that the elite drink and they are cannibals. It's no doubt that when the Illuminati made the move "Silence of the lambs" they weren't joking about it. Interestingly enough, the satanic family apart of my abduction were residing in Hannibal Ohio at the time. So, sometimes celebrities will buy us or secret societies. They'll do weird things, and the directors will watch us and get ideas for their movies, the corporations will get ideas for products.. The Synapse program allows them access by keyword. If a person is cooking, the celebrity chefs can browse through for ideas. If the person is taking a shower, the perverts arrive to watch through aerial surveillance. They are watching also through your screens.

I strongly recommend living off grid, because they have weaponized the grid.

We will find relief once we disconnect from a machine and gather together in person, in the love of Jesus Christ. We will fight this head on. But, we need to come together, but the ones who are doing this to us are also masquerading as targeted individuals. I don't believe there are that many, and it's easy for them to cover it up if they work for an agency and say that they are spreading propaganda.
