Exposing Human Trafficking With Nueroweapons, V2k, Voice To Skull Mind Control

 Woman Placing Her Finger Between Her Lips



Around 800,000 kids go missing every year in The United States.

Human trafficking by the cabal is extremely organized.

Technology advancements begat the art of deception and co-mingled with a breeding bed for the black market.

They are now using aerial surveillance cameras, directed energy weapons, and deceit using psy-ops and mind control to fool those who have the potential ability to help the victim.

Did you know that sometimes abductees have birth certificates, social security cards, they've had jobs, went to school and have what looks like a family along with family photographs? The victim is silenced because of what appears to be "psychotic episodes" and no real proof of a kidnapping in these cases.

The abductees set this up so that the first person a victim goes to asks for help is co-operating with the abductee. The cabal like to masquerade, and they appear as if they'd never do anything like that. Some go to church every sunday, some are professionals and celebrities. Some have made causes, and some run centers to help missing and exploited children.

They're sometimes the chairman of the feds, the ones who takes calls for the missing and exploited children, and the sometimes they're the childhood friends parents who gas light the victim when they seek help.

It's a pyramid of the most sadistic, and disgusting people who get away with their crimes.

The satanists are in high seats of the CIA, FBI, and military and they work together in a big ring to kidnap kids for sacrifices and ritual abuse. Others are operating in the black market to farm adrenochrome, make snuff porn films, sex trade, and the making of monarch slaves. They are using directed energy weapons to operate their victims through mind control and torture methods. How would they get their hands on these weapons?

THE CIA & FBI have a long history of kidnapping children, and pedophilia. Those involved received a slap on the wrist, and continued illegal operations but got more cunning in it's working.

For example:
Satanist Michael Aquino. A Kernal that specialized in Psy-Ops in The United States Military, and a Satanist. He specializes in MKULTRA mind control. Started a cult "The Temple of Set" in Los Angeles.

Someone exposed his crimes that involve MKULTRA mind control using remote neural monitoring and directed energy nueroweapons. 

There's many people like this in every branch who are criminals who got away with crimes, and still continue them.

Sometimes the kidnap victims have family photographs and baby photographs of children that look like them. This is because they replaced children for child sacrifices for the cabal, and chose look alikes. It is meticulously planned out. If you look in the database for missing children, many are look alikes. Sometimes they are even wearing the same glasses, because the people who put up the posters are apart of the pyramid ring.

With MKULTRA, they have the ability to add, replace, and entirely remove memories from your brain. Directed Energy Weapons gave satanists the ability to perform Mind Control and create Monarch Slaves from a computer.

So if you are a human trafficking victim being gaslighted, please reach out to me. We'll get through this together.

This blog is dedicated to victims suffering from remote neural monitoring, trafficking, gangstalking, and satanic ritual abuse.

