
Hi there,

My name is Crystal, and i have been a targeted individual for about 3 1/2 years. Looking back, there's evidence throughout my family history that suggests that my family is made up of child abductees.

Upon my research, and digging deeper into the rabbit hole, i've discovered MKULTRA mind control, and found evidence that both my family and i are victims of it. We were placed under MKULTRA as toddlers, and we were given a new name by the CIA. I will put together some posts showing factual evidence that i have gathered, and talk about the corruption in ruling seats because of luciferian cabal secret society members.

The targeting started shortly after a few things. My aunt, a child abductee used for satanic rituals had been murdered in Hospice. She had been given over 6x the lethal amount of morphine, and she did not opt in for "Assisted Suicide". She was placed through a satanic ritual. Jesus said: "you did not give me food when i was hungry, and did not give me drink when i thirst, nor did you give me clothing when i was naked." They never gave her those things.

We took our evidence to the lawyers, police officers, and the investigators. The lawyers were for some reason too scared to touch the case although they admitted that this happens frequently. They talked about how they would "silence" us. So i started researching and learning that they are doing this all across the United States, and profiting off of the government funds that they are obtaining, as well as putting liens on peoples houses after they are killed.

After going through several testimonies from hospice family members who have witnessed this, i knew something was wrong. I began telling others to be careful and to not take their loved ones there. I shared my testimony in the comment section of a Youtube News Channel of Hospice Care.

I learned that some families realized that their loved ones were not given an IV, and were not being fed or given water but they were incapacitated for days on end. So one woman took her father back home after a fight. She fed him, and gave him some water and found that he had been drugged to make it look like he had a terminal illness. The doctors are involved in this pyramid scheme too.

A little while later on.. I looked on the missing and exploited children website and found a child picture of myself staring back at me. I knew it was me, and i reached out to the investigator assigned to my case, a strange interaction occured. I sent him a photo of me and he said, "You have a photograph of a missing child in your possession. Where did you find this?" I was really uncomfortable, and i sent him a message back letting him know what i remember about being kidnapped. I remember vivid things about what happened to me. He replied and suggested that i buy a DNA kit on Ancestry.com. I do have a birth certificate, and that was one issue. The second one being that my birth certificate says that i am 2 1/2 years younger than the missing child. But, in the photographs it shows a much older girl for the time stamp. There's also evidence of other missing children in those photographs. I researched and found that Satanists that worked for the FBI and CIA abducted children for sacrifices back in the 90s, the time i was abducted. The CIA would issue identifications, they do it all the time for witness protection programs. Some photographs show a toddler with deep brown hair, some with red, some are blonde, and they're all different looking children. Some pictures have a child with shaved eyebrows, they have different sets of teeth, and wearing the same garments but they are not of the same body type.

So, immediately after that i was put on some kind of a hit list.
I started getting targeted at my job, North40. My car window was shot through, and car was egged. A character assassination spread throughout the town and nearby cities. I lived alone in the wilderness, and in the middle of the night cars would be parked in my driveway and people would walk around my yard with flashlights. The house was broken into, things tampered with, utilities would fail and abnormally attacked by various methods of humiliation and by interfering with my daily life.

I started hearing voices shouting really loud "YOU HAVE BEEN FORSAKEN BY THE UNITED STATES" and that i have been forsaken by God. They voiced out everything that i was doing, and an RV was sitting behind my house and they said "THATS US, DON'T DO ANYTHING STUPID" They said that i was not a United States Citizen and to leave the country. The voices shouted non stop, night and day without rest. I was being electrocuted in the head and heart with electromagnetic shock. My flesh was burning. I was experiencing symptoms of a heart attack, and my brain was searing hot. It felt like something was pulsing into me, in my brain, heart, and genitals. They also had the ability to make it so that i could not speak or move. I have also heard voices coming out of my appliances and fans that were verbal spoken words. The words were repetitive and trauma inducing.. and it shared the same characteristics as Project MKULTRA Mind Control.

I filed for disability during this time. I couldn't work. My eyesight was terrible, i was bleeding all the time, and i was bedridden and i had to figure out what to do. I owned and operated a business that i had to give up because of my physical and mental illness. I had visited multiple doctors who were to do physical evaluations to determine whether or not i could work and if disability was a good fit for me. I didn't have much support during this time.

I started understanding that these devices are capable of all my symptoms. They started psychologically damaging me instead of physically. They even voiced out that they have control over my body, and that i am a slave to them. They have control over my vision. They have control over internal bleeding.

So I got married to a man who was in the military about 7 or so years ago. I had a surgery at Fort Riley, and i had been experiencing strange occurrences before this. My arms and toes would move without me having moved them since i was a young teenager. At 18, i started experiencing problems with my reproductive area and internal parts were fuzed together with my intestines, pelvic wall, and bowels rendering me sterile after a full oophorectomy. It was no doubt they were targeting me for longer than i originally thought.

Before my surgery i was experiencing the worse pain imaginable. I heard a voice after i prayed because of the extreme pain that "I will stop this pain if you go into Irwin Army Hospital and schedule that pre op appointment" because i was trying to stall the surgery. I did not want to get the surgery at an army hospital. I wanted a specialist. But, my husband talked me into it, because we could not afford any other avenue.

My husband told me after i had the surgery that i was only a contract marriage, and found him masquerading as someone else years later. He said, "I am a CIA agent."

I noticed that my close friend changed in appearance. He was no longer the same person, then shortly after my brother changed in appearance. This was when mind control was the heaviest, but his voice was the same and so was his attire. He was fired from his job, he has received over 12,000 dollars in severance pay. My mom started looking different, and sometimes the voices are different. Almost like they're using some kind of a device to change their voices to be similar to my family members. Now, i don't know alot of people and all i had was one friend, one mother, and one brother. There's evidence that all of us are victims of this crime.

The voices relayed that they have killed  my family for satanic sacrifice and they would say things like "It doesnt matter anyway, we kidnapped them too. They weren't your real family." and they still performed mind control with repetitive words and cruelty.

I was told that they have implanted me on base, and they have forged consent forms. That they are using a top secret weapon that requires a security clearance but told those who were investigating it that i'm not real. Just a high tech CGI video game for training. So they have a bunch of people just "play a video game" like The Sims. But instead, it's for psychological operations, harassment, torture, and torment. Later on, they started telling the people on the other end that i have consented to participating in Touchless Torture Experimentation. That it was only a few days a month. Well, it's been years and it's non stop. But the people doing this on the other end cannot hear me, but i can hear the people controlling this who are doing satanic rituals use my voice and relay that "I have given consent."

A Brain To Computer Interface (BCI) can be inserted through the nasal cavity and surgically implanted into the brain. That might be what was put inside of me but i do not know. The voices say so but they are used for psychological operations.

A suicide note was written in my handwriting and i was feeling the effects of some kind of a drug after i wrote a message to the Inspector General of the DOD. My brother was visiting and ready to go on vacation to the coast. At this time, he appeared different than he was before. Like he had been replaced. When i discovered the note i quickly ran out the door, and i begged him not to leave but i could barely even talk. "Please DON'T GO!" I cried and told him that someone is trying to kill me and forged my suicide note. He shook his head and said "I'm not going to let you ruin my vacation." He was ready to tear out of there. But i leaned into the truck and was ready to get in, and then the neighbor came over. He stood there talking with him for a little while. The neighbor noticed my house keys in my brothers other truck. "Are those your keys?" he asked. I couldn't think straight but i said "someone is trying to kill me, and they wrote a suicide note in my handwriting and left it on the keyboard in my brothers room." The neighbor said, "Do you know how to protect yourself?" and i started feeling more dizzy. So i sat down. They were talking, then my mom called my brother. He downplayed the situation, but she came over and thought that it was the neighbor because of the strange interaction. She started investigating this, and decided to call the police. They didn't even file a report or want to see the evidence. They said, "Rest assured.. Nothings going on."

So we set up trail cams and caught a man near the back door holding a syringe in his hand. There were many days where i would be asleep for days on end. There was time missing. I would not remember falling asleep, and the times i did it was at night, and i would wake up days later while it was still dark outside. I had bruises on my body, and what appeared to be hand prints on my leg.. and it felt like i had been raped. This occurred multiple times.

My mom was set on investigating this and wondering why the police wouldn't do anything. But then, her face changed a little and her body type would be different some days. But, her voice was the same. It was like she was making fun of me and started to downplay everything with my brother and tell me that i am sensitive to electricity. Her face shape appears to be different.

It seems like my brain is hooked to a computer that the user interacts with artificial intelligence. The AI data mines all my information, and they can put a string of sentences on certain things i interact with. If i look at my cat it says "dog" and then there's a comment making fun of me. They are able to also give sensations to the body such as a electric shock to the heart whenever i don't do what the voice commands me to do. Other times it would be a genital throbbing while i am taking a shower and i will hear comments about how it was worth the 3000 dollars they bought access for. That they were selling it on the black web and the ability to surveillance and electronically rape a girl. They would make comments about my childhood sexual abuse and say things like "it's a family reunion."

These criminals are also raping me and my family, and selling sex. There were witnesses who voiced what had happened after i woke up from it. These two guys induced a trance using mind control trigger words and my mom ended up on the top of a mountain at 2AM with me in the passenger seat. She parked behind a brown pickup truck and he opened my door and cried out "I'm going to fucking kill you." and then kept repeating it and sat on top of me and started sticking things up my nose with a pair of pliers.Then he said "i'm hurting you" over 6000 times. He was wearing a mask, and then raped both me and my mom. I woke up in the car with bruises all up and down my right side, my knees were dirty and i could tell i had just been raped. There was a hand print bruised on my right arm from him dragging me out of the car. But, i don't remember a single thing about it, because with MKULTRA mind control, they have the ability to erase memories. But, the operator of voice to skull technology witnessed it and told me what had happened and that he was seeking help. Then i heard him being brutally murdered. I contacted the DOD inspector general a second time explaining this. They were all fired and replaced.

There were times where someone was in my house. I would feel sick, almost like i was drugged.


Much of my childhood has been routine rituals, though i did not know it until i leaned into God and read the Holy Scripture that His Holy Spirit breathed out. Scripture is what broke my mental control chains, and thrust me out of mind control. The scales fell from my eyes. I saw truly what happened.

God led me to see the truth, and i was led to a box of family history. Photographs and letters that proved that it was true. We were all abducted. There's evidence of child sacrifice that dates back from Auschwitz. Women and children were tied to trees and left for dead in Hannibal OH. There were those who appeared as the Rockefellers in disguise as "Family Members", who wrote passive aggressive notes to my grandmother. There were pictures of The Tankersleys. There was evidence of historical luciferian child sacrifice. They would replace their victims with look alikes. We were all under MKULTRA mind control. 

I discovered that Luciferian is a NEW NAME for Nazi. John D Rockefeller was the same man who built the gas chambers that killed all the Jews. He was in control of the CIA. With the wealthy elite families, they have built a monopoly in the United States. Many who are Luciferians that masquerade and worship satan.

They run the federal reserve, our media, our ruling authorities, the cia, fbi, secret societies, religious organizations, corporations, and knock down anyone they please.

They hold the chess board and everyone is a pawn. They are the black tiles, and the white tiles turn to red because they kill everyone who stands in their way.

The ones who are targeting you are the Luciferian Cabal Satanists. They are Freemasons, Knights Templar, Jesuits, Order of The Eastern Star, Skull & Bones Society.. and they promise success. They place these people in top positions. They're your teachers, your doctors, your families friends, your neighbors, your kernals, investigators, policemen, celebrities, politicians..

But, the people are misled.

They have an app, and they dispatch these people to the location where we are. They believe that we are bad people, and they are doing a service. They don't know what they are doing and have to be lied to in order to do this for the sadists running the show. Afterall, it is the rulers and principalities of this world we struggle with.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

We do know that satan is on this earth with us.

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

These people masquerade.
They believe order out of chaos. This teaching was handed down by Nazis (since hitlers reign in 1933), who now call themselves "Luciferians" and they are also Freemasons and falsely teach in the lodges.
Darkness cannot dwell with the light.

14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.

They are the false prophet and false teachers who work signs and wonders in order to deceive if possible, the very elect of God.

Feel free to share your testimony. We; The Targeted Individuals need to stick together. I understand how hard it is to trust people, and there are many fake targeted individuals who try and fight against our faith and hope for finding someone who truly cares and understands.


  1. I can relate. Just became a ti...one yr ago....maybe just woke up...im victim of mkultra etc ive researched. Theyve now hurt so bad im im wheelchair. Poisoned food. My cats are controlled too. Im on fb....mona ti bieker. Best of luck to us all


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